Will Pest Control Assist With Bats?

Yes, sometimes pest control will help you out with a bat infestation, but before you hire them, you must make sure that they are the right people for the job.

Because bat removal is a very specialist field. Getting it wrong will result in an even bigger bat problem, a lot of damage, and many more disease threats than you first may have been aware of.

What could go wrong?
Some pest control companies will use fumigants or poisons to get rid of bats; an illegal approach in many places, and also one that actually doesn't serve a purpose. You shouldn't look at getting rid of bats by way of lethal force because they are very good animals to have around. It is thought that bats do two-thirds of the job as far as keeping crops safe from destructive insects across the United States goes. If we were to lose one or more of the various bat species via extinction, we would notice it quickly. Mosquitos, wasps, moths, and even flying ants and hard-shelled beetles will start to increase — you'll see more of them. Bats eat these insects and they really do us a massive favor at the same time.

When bats aren't removed quickly and efficiently, things start to go very wrong. A buildup of guano will corrode through floors, walls, or ceilings, and mould will start to grow too. The damp will add rot and water damage to the mix, and this can start to have an adverse impact on the structural integrity of the building. If a bat attic was ignored in the attic, for example, it wouldn't take a very long time for that bat guano buildup to start seeping through the floor, into the ceiling of the room below. The bigger the colony, the more problems you will face. The longer the problem is left unattended, the more problems you will face, once again. Using the wrong company — a pest control company over a specialist bat removal expert, for example, could actually cost you a lot more money in the end, especially if you then aren't covered by your homeowners insurance policy for any damage. (Bat damage is usually covered, but only when you do your due diligence as a property owner. Ignoring the problem, or using the wrong methods to remove the problem, could result in a non-compliant insurance claim.)

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