What Do Bats Eat When They Live in My Attic?

We all know what bats like to eat when they're out and about in the wild – insects. Or fruit if you're a fruit-eating bat. Or blood if you're a vampire bat, but they are nowhere near as scary as the scary movies would make you think!

When bats live in your attic, however, what could they possibly be eating? If you don't have a steady source of water close by to offer up mosquitoes and other insects, where are they getting their sustenance from? They get all of their food from the air. Some bats eat beetles and bugs; others will eat flying ants, moths, and even wasps. Although water would provide all of these things with abundance, the land around you will have plenty to offer up too. Just head out into your back yard at sunset and you'll see all the potential bat-snacks flying around. You might even get bitten by a few too. You'll be happy to know that bats seem to have quite the liking for the bugs that would normally bite humans. For the record, citronella is a great scent to have floating around if you want to repel mosquitoes and other biting-bugs. They don't appear to like the smell of it very much.

Bats – and other wild critters – will find sources of food in the weirdest and most un-thought-of places, and that's what makes life quite tough when you try to get rid of them. When they have a reason to stick around, they will. Sadly, unlike with other nuisance wildlife, you can't just get rid of the source of food with bats. You can't get rid of every fly, beetle, hard-shelled bug, or ant that lives in a ten-mile radius of your home.

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