Bats & Ammonia — The REAL Reason You Should Hire a Professional Bat Removal Expert

Let's talk about something that very few people seem to talk about as far as bat removal is concerned. You might have heard a little bit about how ammonia can be used to force the flying mammals to leave an area, but we're about to bust that myth right out of the water with one very simple fact …

Bat guano, also known as bat droppings, attracts other critters that will actually give off toxic ammonia vapors. The bats virtually live surrounded by the stuff. You won't find a toxic concentration of it in your attic (usually), but the larger a bat problem is, the more problems you will find it comes with. Bat guano, when there is enough of it, really can create hundreds of other issues.

Bat guano is a great fertilizer for plants and crops, but it's also disease-ridden (Histoplasmosis) and is known for attracting other critters, usually much smaller ones. Bugs and beetles, along with flies, ants, cockroaches and maggots, will be attracted the nutrients in the fertilizer and it can be those bugs that create the toxic ammonia gases in the air. This is something that has been found in vast colonies, particularly colonies of the Mexican freetail bat, which is known for creating more guano than most other bat species AND for coming together in huge numbers. The colonies of this bats can be hundreds, thousands, and even millions of bats strong. Bat guano is extremely dangerous, although it is unlikely that you will face ammonia poisoning during the activity. Histoplasmosis, however, is a disease that you ARE likely to face, and if there are live or dead bats in the same area, you'll have rabies to worry about too.

DIY bat removal might seem like a good idea — and a cheap one that at that — but you will usually waste a whole bunch of money and out you and potentially your entire family in jeopardy at the same time. It's not really a risk worth taking.

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